yes, only a batch compiler solves it. If you wonder it's still compiling or
not go to your task manager and look at mem usage.

About improving hammer, in hammer 3.5 i was able to use the camera when the
texture editor was open. This allowed me to rotate around a object for
example and select all faces. In the hammer of now as soon as i click on the
camera button my texture editor closes which makes certain tasks harder.
It would be really nice if that gets back like how it was.

And for another improvement, it would be nice to have clones. This way i can
make a pilar for example, change the shape and the texture of the original
later and it will be applied to all.

for the rest hammer is a nice program and it does his job, althought making
it open source would be nice.

> This is only slightly off topic, but:
> Every version of Hammer (even back to Worldcraft and before) I've ever
> worked with, the build window always stops updating about 20 or 30 seconds
> into the process. All of Hammer then freezes up until the build is
> completely done, so progress isn't visible. Does this happen to anybody
> else?
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