Valve has given us the "interface" for plugins.  Most plugins, however go
beyond this and reach into the memory to do special things like burn,
teleport, etc...

In fact, an admin plugin doesn't require any special coding that usually
breaks with updates.  Just giving the server operators the ability to allow
clients to control the server without rcon access is easily done, and can be

I don't think it's reasonable to expect server operators to pay for admin
features.  It will either be done by valve, or by 3rd party for free.
Somebody just has to come up with one that doesn't include all of the extra
stuff.  I have one coming out for HL2DM, but it wouldn't be good for CS:S...

I sort of agree on the days being numbered, but lately I've actually seen
valve responding to concerns.  I just don't think they have a good way to
address concerns brought to light by both players and server operators.  I
recently had a conversation with valve and let them know that
"playgamesound" didn't work with the client restriction, but "play" did.
They responded that it should work and could I verify it for them.  Once I
did they responded:  "That certainly sounds like a bug then, I will get the
team to check this out."  This has been an issue since the release of the
cl_restrict_server_commands CVAR.  If they had a system of good
communication with bug tracking, then I think most of the problems we see as
players/operators would be taken care of.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Munky Judder
Sent: Thursday, May 24, 2007 4:40 AM
Subject: RE: [hlds] Blocking Client Commands

I dont think its realistic for Valve to try and support every type of script
or plugin...I meant just concentrate on the admin side of things. Kick and
Ban are far too excessive for the majority of servers and rcon is very user
unfriendly. It quite reasonable to suggest a Valve Admin plugin as this is a
commercially viable idea if its payed for by server operators. You also
wouldnt have 3000 PO'ed admins everytime there was a patch, spamming up
their emails or bitching on their forums Valve just broke something if its

TBH though I think the days of CS:S are numbered if players opinions are
being ignored.....but what do I know :)

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