Thanks, I'll give it a run now. I saw this before on previous occasions But
wasn't sure if it'd actually work on GM.

I made a TF2 plugin to block this back before valve patched it. This
is compiled against the orangebox engine and should work for

It's a plugin that adds the 'ncp' command, which marks the specified
variable as a 'cheat', preventing clients from using it. So install
that plugin as laid out in the readme ( in your case: dll/so in the
orangebox/bin, .vdf in orangebox/garrysmod/addons ), restart your
server or load it directly (plugin_load NephCVUH) and add to your
ncp sv_benchmark_force_start
(repeat for any other variables to block)
remember to exec server.cfg or reboot after making changes

A better solution might be a simpler garrysmod .lua plugin that hooks
ClientCommands and blocks sv_benchmark_force_start and any other bad
benchmark variables.

- Neph

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