Anyone who believes that petitioning for the default to be community servers is relying on quickplay traffic far too heavily or using it to i.e Play Ads. Remember with a good community you won't need quickplay for the majority of my traffic they actually find the server themselves via the steam browser from the data I collected. A few even favorite it afterwards which with the new remember IP (Steam Account) they will always know where it is.

The point of community servers is to build a community, sure you can use quickplay but it is a tool not a way of knowing members. A high majority will go to valve servers but in recent days I've seen others talk about 'going to prophunt or dodgeball. In their own Free will. The change to QP was only positive sure there should be some tweaks but that's for another topic.

On 26/02/2014 12:09, Robert Paulson wrote:
> This far from the worst suggestion I've seen. Perhaps aim for a seemless solution where by "community servers" wasn't even a choice during the first few hours of gameplay, becomes a choice later, then becomes the default after it has been selected a couple of times.

I don't like this modification to my idea. The point of it was to overcome the huge inertia to simply click play now. They need to be automatically switched to community servers.

It is supposed to be a compromise which guarantees players the ability to learn what plain tf2 is supposed to be without completely screwing over communities like what's happening now.

On Wed, Feb 26, 2014 at 2:30 AM, John Irwin < <>> wrote:

    >> It would be a more realistic solution to switch quickplay
    settings to community servers after 3-4 hours of playing time.

    This far from the worst suggestion I've seen. Perhaps aim for a
    seemless solution where by "community servers" wasn't even a
    choice during the first few hours of gameplay, becomes a choice
    later, then becomes the default after it has been selected a
    couple of times.

    I'm not sure a petition is the right way to go though.
    Particularly one that invites reddit to participate. Valve reads
    these email strings. A good message makes itself heard.


    On 26 Feb 2014 08:12, "Robert Paulson" <
    <>> wrote:

        It is not possible unless you did something like switching
        from fast to instant respawn. In that case we went from 10 to
        a whopping 30 quickplay connects per day which is hardly worth
        being pleased about. Official servers are still taking the
        vast majority of new players who are never exposed to
        community servers.

        For those of you who weren't on quickplay this is also bad
        news for you. Everyone relies on new players since old players
        quit all the time. Fewer players become aware of community
        servers because it is too easy to just click play now.

        If you have a top server you will see more players for now,
        but these are mostly older players fleeing killed servers who
        will not be playing forever. The new equilibrium hasn't been
        reached yet and we will see more servers die as long as Valve
        continues this. Unfortunately this will be a slow decline with
        many server owners not realizing they are a few months away
        from dying as well.

        I am all for trying a petition but people will not associate
        with someone who has such a bad reputation. The solution being
        offered, "provide an option to choose either Valve only
        servers or Community servers on every quickplay connect" would
        annoy everyone. It would be a more realistic solution to
        switch quickplay settings to community servers after 3-4 hours
        of playing time.

        On Tue, Feb 25, 2014 at 10:28 PM, Peter Jerde
        < <>> wrote:

            I don't know about you, but our quickplay traffic has more
            than TRIPLED since the changes. Seems to have been quite a
            positive change.

             - Peter

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