On Thu, Oct 25, 2012 at 11:20 PM, Michael Richardson

>     LC> Solution: from the border router which discovered the DNS entries
> for
>     LC> tvservice.jp, inject those DNS servers into the mesh with a tag
> that they
>     LC> only be used for tvservice.jp, and pass that around in the routing
>     LC> protocol. No?
> While it's reasonable for my TV settop-box to pay attention to that
> extension, why would my laptop or browser know about it?

Except that evidence from real deployments (e.g., NTT) is that the
operator's DNS servers are handed out to all boxes on the network. So if
you plug your laptop into the walled garden, that's what you get.

> This really seems invasive to multiple layers of the stack, and I think
> it is completely unnecessary.  Zone delegations solve the problem using
> existing protocols and existing software.

And yet.
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