On Apr 15, 2014, at 12:29 PM, Philip Homburg <pch-homene...@u-1.phicoh.com> 
> You really think people are going to rewrite Linux network config for some
> weird edge case?

People are rewriting Linux the network configuration system as we speak.   This 
particular edge case is just one example of why it's broken.   So yes, I agree 
that if this were the only reason to do the work, it would never happen, but 
since it's happening already, I think that's moot.

> I'm only saying that from my perspective, changing DHCPv4 is the best 
> technical solution.

Right, but you haven't given a technical argument to support that.   You've 
just said that it's convenient in a particular existing implementation, which 
is not in wide use, and which is already undergoing changes that will 
coincidentally make addressing this less inconvenient.  So this isn't a good 

> So my guess is that staying on the RA/DHCPv6 route will just seriously
> delay the implementation of this option.

On Linux.   If neither systemd nor dnsmasq nor one of their replacements 
actually becomes popular (although dnsmasq is already popular in embedded 
environments).   I agree with this, if you accept the caveats I just added, but 
I don't think it's a big problem.

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