
We have been 40 people mapping over Haiti on OpenStreetMap from l'Amicale
in Bouaké, Ivory Coast.

On the tasks.hotosm.org TM instance, the HOT ngo has organized mapping over
various large territories, going from west to east. The job for detailed,
buildings included, mapping has been focusing over the most populated
territories, currently the city of Léogâne.  .

We decided to complete this mapping:

- mapping over the temporary disaster shleters from the Direction of Civil
Protection by mapping around these key places located in the Impact zones 1
and 2 as defined by UNOSAT, added on OSM by members from the Communauté
OSM  Haïti in 2011 working for the International Organization of Migrations
- IOM.

- mapping over central, mountainous rural areas starting by where it is the
most incomplete in North East GrandeAnse, starting with the communes of
Corail and Pestel. This project fits with new mappers, that have been
trained over the whole week on OSM remote and field techniques. More than
25 people have been working on it.

- the coastal town of Corail, that remained mostly incomplete and let to
more experienced mappers

- the city of Jérémie, whose pre-disaster state was still far from being
complete  with many missing or imperfectly mapped buildings (see this
screenshot <https://leslibresgeographes.org/jirafeau/f.php?h=3MxMIjCp&p=1>
or this other one
<https://leslibresgeographes.org/jirafeau/f.php?h=2nO5Kz3L&p=1> to get an
idea). This is a mapping project for only most advanced mappers with a long
OSM experience and a lot of good edits. A drone imagery cover is ongoing,
led by the Haitian Swiss association Potentiel 3.0 and will provide a very
high resolution post-disaster imagery

These various projects are accessible on http://taches.francophonelibre.org/

All the past and ongoing projects can be viewed on this uMap, showing the
synergies of the different projects :

As posted yesterday on talk-ht, Haiti is activating to participate to the
mapping efforts: https://lists.openstreetmap.or
It should not be forgotten that the OSM crisis mapping has been intially
made in Haiti, both remotely and on the field, and that good local
resources do exist.


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