On Tue, 31 Jan 2012 08:48:30 -0600, Mark Zelden <m...@mzelden.com> wrote:

>On Mon, 30 Jan 2012 22:35:02 +0000, Martin Packer <martin_pac...@uk.ibm.com> 
>> Because
>>of the virtualisation within modern disk controllers robustness favours
>>more, smaller.
>What 6-9 3390-27 page volumes isn't robust enough?  :-)
>And regardless of PAV and where the physical location is on the emulated
>DASD, if you put 5 smaller ones on  _multiple_ mod-27s, isn't there more of
>a chance some of them end up on the same physical disk(s).
>One thing this thread didn't cover are some of the performance
>recommendations in the init and tuning guide related to large DASD.
>Recommendation #1, does say to only have one page data set per device.
>and in the z/OS 1.11 manual I have open it even has the updated bars
>on the left hand side.
>Writing to contiguous slots and over allocation is mentioned, but unless I
>missed it the "old" ROT (and health check) of not having more than 30%
>of the slots allocated is not specifically addressed.   Certainly with 4K
>pages (for the most part) and 3390-27 (or bigger) that 30% ROT doesn't
>apply anymore?    50% of a mod-27 is still a helava lot of free slots.

Remove "(for the most part)" above - I momentarily forgot that 1M pages
are not pageable.  At least not now... 

Mark Zelden - Zelden Consulting Services - z/OS, OS/390 and MVS       
Mark's MVS Utilities: http://www.mzelden.com/mvsutil.html 
Systems Programming expert at http://expertanswercenter.techtarget.com/

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