Now that we've had our Friday afternoon chill out--easy to do in LA where 
it's cool and drizzly--I want to affirm Brian's observation: we're given a 
truckload of new function for our trouble. Which is not even much trouble 

1. you have none of the affected exits in use, or
2. you have or can get your hands on enough JES2 expertise to make the 
conversions on your own

Our Exit 4 conversion was accomplished entirely by a sysprog who had never 
done a lick of JES2 coding *or support* in his long and varied career. He 
knows assembler language like a native but had to read up on JES2 basics 
before he could even start work on the exit code. Even with some odd 
wrinkles and a dearth of crucial documentation, he accomplished the goal 
during the z/OS 1.7 ESP. In the end, we were able to migrate 
1.7--including updated JES2 code--throughout the enterprise by December 
2005, a record time frame for us. 

As far as the low blow of comparing IBM with Microsoft, I'm sure Bill 
Gates is turning over in his lavish mansion. ;-) 

JO.Skip Robinson
Southern California Edison Company
SHARE MVS Program Co-Manager
626-302-7535 Office
323-715-0595 Mobile

Sent by: IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>
03/30/2006 04:00 PM
Please respond to
IBM Mainframe Discussion List <IBM-MAIN@BAMA.UA.EDU>


Re: Over my head in a JES exit

Maybe I over-reacted, too.
I jumped to the conclusion that IBM was charging for this service.
If they're not, I appologise.
If they are, my comments still stand.

BTW, my comments about MicroSoft still stand.


I?m an enthusiastic proselytiser of the universal panacea I believe in!

-----Original Message-----
Date:         Fri, 31 Mar 2006 00:00:00 
Subject: Re: Over my head in a JES exit

>In an attempt to help customers where the original JES2 sysprog has moved
on to bigger and better things, IBM has decided to provide a service to
help customers evaluate their JES2 exits, and determine if the scope of
their particular project is small/medium/large/xlarge.


It's bad because IBM has made a major change that you may not understand, 
but, for a fee, they will help you 'fix' it.

This is just another nail in the coffin for the mainframe platform.

Microsoft did the same thing when they consolidated all of the packages 
into Microsoft Office, converted to VBA for macros, and invalidated years 
of investment in macro coding.
They refused to be compatible with old-style macros and offered to help 
you convert (for a fee).

In both cases, I consider this to be a heinous practice.
But, nobody remembers (or cares) that Microsoft did it.

Changing age-old code and then charging you to help convert is not 
customer friendly.


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