
I just got a new ThinkPad with Microsoft Windows Vista installed. The culture shock has been enough that I felt compelled to post this. One of Conley's Corollaries is that "No PC software upgrade is complete until the user interface has been entirely rewritten." Never was that corollary more true than with Windows Vista. The interface, while visually stunning, bears little resemblance to any Windows operating system preceding it. Standard system utilities are completely different, and located in completely different places. THEY TOOK THE MENU BAR! THE WHOLE F'ING MENU BAR! (quick, somebody throw me a fifth of JD). This change alone is staggering. The menu bar has been there for 20 years, and now poof! It's gone with a wave of Bill's mighty hand. I can't begin to imagine how many BILLIONS, if not TRILLIONS of dollars in lost productivity are going to be flushed down the toilet when corporations around the world roll out this POS. And we'll all just take it like the lemmings we are.

If a z/OS developer had ever tried to foist this much change on the mainframe platform, that developer and their product would have died a quick death. The mainframe environment would never stand for the kind of changes we see Microsoft and their PC ilk routinely throw at us. IBM still leads the way in protecting the customer's investment (except when they don't, like killing FLEX-ES for PWD, but I digress), a concept that Microsoft has never embraced. This is one of the mainframe's biggest strengths, and it was really brought home for me by Windows Vista. Can't wait to see how much PC software I have to go out and buy for Vista compatibility (yeehaw).

For those of you yet to experience Windows Vista, you're in for a treat (not). Gimme ISPF any day. I can still run my 20-year old dialogs, but Windows changes its interface every 20 minutes. I'll stick with the mainframe.


Tom Conley

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