On Tue, Jun 9, 2020 at 9:21 AM Lionel B Dyck <lbd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Y'all stop using logic and reason - this is an emotional issue that the
> author and others are invested in and has nothing to do with IBM
> effectively telling the world that the mainframe is dead based on all the
> layoffs that have occurred over the last 20-25 years, or that IBM continues
> to offload software development or outright sells IBM software to other
> companies, or that IBM has bought into the Cloud and has reduced their
> investment in developing z/OS, or . . . .
> And then there is the vast amounts of money to be made by replacing a
> mainframe - I'm sure that those vendors offering those services only have
> the best interests of the current mainframe users at heart.
> It's Beta vs VHS all over again

Beta lost due to marketing idiocy. It was superior to VHS, technically, but
"overpriced" compared to VHS. So the consumer went with the inferior but
more affordable VHS. You're right -- exactly like z/OS vs. Windows and
zSeries vs. AMD/Intel.

> Lionel B. Dyck <sdg><
> Website: https://www.lbdsoftware.com

People in sleeping bags are the soft tacos of the bear world.
Maranatha! <><
John McKown

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