Thank you to all who have responded, I appreciate the several suggestions so 
far, I may try several of them. I may get shifted into other efforts. 
 Right now, this is an  exploratory, researching, POC,  project and with 
undefined or incomplete and amorphous goals..
Even the ultimate target users/audience isn't clear, and they may not, in the 
end, actually ever need to look. But, it is very unlikely that, as least for 
any preliminary looking, they are unlikely to have access to a z/OS system (or 
even a Hercules/MVS 3.8) 
  because if the need arises very far into the future , it probably won't be 
me. I'll have 40 years in  here  come August, and may or may not be available 
to them. 
  I want something )or several different "things" that will, at least 
hypothetically let there be a chance for a  historical, investigatory, or, god 
forbid, a forensic effort to get started.
   I also don't want it to be significantly manual. I have SMP/E, DCOLLECT, 
ADRDSSU, TRANSMIT, FTP, (Could install CCKDDUMP), DFSORT, Rexx and other tools 
(Natural) available. And aside from PS, PDS, VSAM, there is also Adabas, 
Control-D and probably Endevor data to consider. 

> 6. "Archival purposes" can be EASILY fulfilled with ADRDSSU DUMP "all
> files" and then XMIT and download. It is good archive, but it is
> readable under z/OS. Bad? This is the only 100% exact copy. And let's
> imagine, you can use two (or more) ways - one for "exact, but unreadable
> copy", other for more readable copies, but not necessarily exact.
> >     In preparation for shutting down my z/OS 2.3 system, sometime this
> year, I am looking at options for unloading/storing both my z/OS files as well
> as my application data and infrastructure files.

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