On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 09:09:37 -0700, Ed Jaffe wrote:

>On 4/21/2014 7:59 AM, Joel C. Ewing wrote:
>> DB2 required greater flexibility and control to achieve its performance
>> and data consistency goals than was possible with VSAM keyed-access
>> support.  A very cursory  look at "Experiences Installing Oracle
>> Database 10g on z/OS" would suggest Oracle on z/OS makes use of VSAM LDS
>> for table storage as well.
>As does zFS.
What do PDSE and the (obsolescent) HFS use?  I believe they're both
called DSORG=PO, for PDSE for the objective of application compatibility,
but doing so strains the older notion of DSORG; the physical organization
of either is vastly different from the classic DSORG=PO, more like an
emulated emulated FBA, isn't it?

And I know that some RDB implementations on UNIX systems (optionally)
bypass UNIX file I/O and do low-level disk operations in the interest of
performance.  Does VSAM LDS meet these performance criteria?

What about paging and JES?  Do both antedate VSAM LDS?  What do
they do?

-- gil

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