I wonder if it would be possible to have an XMLPARSE(RUNTIME) compiler
option that defers the decision about which XML to use to runtime,
preferably with a choice of automatic decision ("if zIIP then...") or
explicit operator specification at program invocation.

Yes, the two XML choices are functionally different to some extent. But if
the compiler can keep you on the path of using only functions common to
both, then an XMLPARSE(RUNTIME) should be viable. XML is very much a moving
target in performance terms, for example, and it'd be nice not to
"hardwire" a choice into program code.

Yes, such an option would make testing a little more "interesting." Only a
little, and what else is new?

Timothy Sipples
IT Architect Executive, zEnterprise Industry Solutions, AP/GCG/MEA
E-Mail: sipp...@sg.ibm.com
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