Jesse Lynch wrote:
>I tried this as you laid out.   Didn't work.  Haven't loaded it into our ACF2 
>DB yet but cert looks like garbage.
>For Geotrust and Equifax we did save as and did ASCII Ftp.  Tried both ways.  
>On Mainframe
>the 1st and last rec looks like this.  -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
>-----END CERTIFICATE-----     When I do Digicert it is just garbage whether I 
>Binary or Ascii FTP.  Any clue what I might be doing wrong.  Site cmd looks 
>like this for ftp

There are various formats that you can save a certificate in. You want a 
Base64-encoded X.509 format, often with extension .CER (I mention all those 
terms in case one of them rings an inkling). If wherever you're exporting it 
from offers options, try 'em all, until you see the -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE 

I'm afraid I don't see an earlier thread with you asking about this, so I'm not 
sure what the preceding was about (I see Rex and Nightwatch, but not your post).


Phil Smith III
Senior Architect & Product Manager, Mainframe & Enterprise
Distinguished Technologist
HPE Data Security<>
T 703-476-4511
M 703-568-6662
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Herndon, VA

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