On Tue, 15 May 2018 15:56:45 -0500, Walt Farrell <walt.farr...@gmail.com> wrote:

> You want GETMAIN updated (though the key z/OS
> designers have already said that won't happen).
> You probably want z/OS storage layout changed,
> so you can acquire more storage. And now you
> want LINK changed to manage registers differently. 

This is all in order to get a clean AM-infinity
technology in place, that is something that
rival architectures like x64 cannot match.
32-bit and 64-bit programs can co-exist in
the exact same AM-infinity environment.

I'm not familiar with z/Linux, but I assume
32-bit modules in z/Linux are currently run
as AM31 instead of AM64 too. z/OS could
lead the way to changing that.

>What additional changes will you need next in
> z/OS in order to support this addressing mode
> that IBM hasn't seen a need for?

A GETMAIN LOC=64 for 64-bit programs would be good.

> How are you planning to justify all this work to IBM?
> How much additional money in terms of hardware
> purchases or software purchases will the writers of
> AM(32) modules be spending with IBM, to justify all
> the development and testing resources that your
> growing list of changes will require?

It's not AM32, it's AM-infinity, and it's the gold
standard of computing as far as I can tell. People
should migrate to z/Arch instead of x64 because
x64 is likely to be saddled by needing special
modes for 32 and 64 that don't exist on a pure
64-bit z/Arch.

And there's no downside. 32-bit programs get
access to a full 32-bit virtual memory, and
64-bit programs get access to a full 64-bit
virtual memory.

BFN. Paul.

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