On Tue, 15 May 2018 11:57:55 -0500, Tom Marchant <m42tom-ibmm...@yahoo.com> 

>>There are multiple ways of guaranteeing 0. The
>>best is IBM guaranteeing it on entry to a program,
>>as another RFE. In the single test that I requested,
>>the high bits seem to be 0 already. I just want to
>>formalize that.
>IBM cannot guarantee that. A basic principle in MVS is that any program 
>can be called by another program. You don't know how a program that 
>calls you might use the 64-bit registers.

I don't see anything wrong with "LINK" being
updated to save the high 32-bits (or more,
in future) of registers and then zeroing them so
that called 32-bit programs can run in AM64 or
AM128 or AM256. Who will be affected? "LINK"
can be updated to accept an AM64 caller at the
same time.

BTW, in another message I forgot to mention that
to detect AM64, the "LA" instruction should be
used so that it still works on S/370. That's for
the solution where the 32-bit program needs
a stub at entry to clear the high 32 bits itself
with LMH so the rest of it can run AM64 without
issue and without program change. The LMH
would be bypassed if non-AM64 is detected.

BFN. Paul.

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