A fine argument in the abstract, but reality bites. 

Stephen Kent wrote:
> sent" in this era of the Internet.  Security is not black and white,
> but the gray area we're discussing does bother me.  If one cares
> about knowing where the data originated, and that it has not been
> altered, then one needs to make use of the tools provided to address
> that concern.  if one doesn't use the tools, then one does not care
> very much, and the results may be surprising :-).

Who is "one", in your mind?  Mail, web, WAP client application
writers?  Or the poor end-user who gets the surprise without having
a clue what hit him?

As an end-user, I can be as aware as I like about the security issues,
but if client software doesn't support security, and/or my ISP, services
don't support it, there's nothing I can do.  

I am not saying that security isn't the answer -- but I do think you're
looking at your chalkboard, not deployed reality, when you suggest
it isn't a problem because there are technologies for authenticating



"My body obeys Aristotelian laws of physics."
   -- ThinkingCat

Leslie Daigle

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