-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin M. Nickels <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: January 27, 1999 1:33 PM
Subject: Re: Suspend under Linux

>It's FN-A on my 3200.  No markings on the keyboard or anything.
>I think I had to set suspend-to-disk mode in the BIOS as well.
>I DO have windows on C:, and  suspect that the swapfile it uses might be
>over there.

I react with surprise.  You mean you have suspend-to-disk working even
though you have a partitioned drive and a multi-boot system?  My Inspiron
3200 complains every time it boots that the suspend-to-disk file is missing.
I am using Partition Magic Boot Manager and Dell has told me that the PHDISK
utility is not compatible with Boot Manager.  Please enlighten me.


Leon Wood

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