On Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 10:50 AM juan carlos morales <
dev.juan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:

> There is still 1 open question on the RFC, and is about the return value.
> https://wiki.php.net/rfc/json_validate#open_issuesquestions
> I would appreciate your feedback on this. Even though I was told the
> RFC can go with 2 votings, I would like to know your thoughts about
> that open question, in short, the return value.

Has the option of returning a Result object been discussed/considered? Can
it be an option? I imagine that if `json_validate(): JsonValidationResult`
always returns a `JsonValidationResult` which contains a `public readonly
bool $valid` and a `public readonly ?string $error` it would be better than
both options on the table right now. The option of returning CLI-like
results means that we will need a `if (! json_validate())` to treat a valid
JSON (really awkward) and the option of using `json_last_error()` relies on
an internal state instead of an immutable structure. Effectively, what we
need is to return a complex structure which can contain a boolean and a
string and that is a class/object.


Marco Deleu

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