On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 10:46 AM, Zeev Suraski<z...@zend.com> wrote:
> I believe that
> if we had a 'clean' Weak typing RFC as well as a Strict typing RFC, each
> with its pros and cons - there would be very different results.
> The two approaches were never compared head-to-head, with the pros and cons
> Another is that the difference between the
> two approaches, as well as the issues with strict typing - aren't fully
> understood by the audience - and I believe that this is actually the case.
> the
> discussion missed key ingredients, we should discuss it further.

I think you are right that the discussions weren't sufficiently clear,
and this could be resolved by better RFCs. This is obviously how it
should have been done in the first place (look at the success of
Python's PEPs).

I'm not sure this will change things, and worry it might derail what
we have now, but those are not good reasons to stop the discussion.


Paul Biggar

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