On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 1:33 PM, Dennis Haarbrink<den...@born05.nl> wrote:
> I mean, libraries may have all kinds of quirks, you may not be satisfied with 
> the supplied API or maybe even the entire philosophy behind it, but that 
> shouldn't stop you from using it or is it?

You must learn what these quirks are. Likewise, every developer must
learn the quirks of the "type hinting" as they will almost certainly
be required to interact with code that uses it.

In an extreme case, suppose that we completely balls-ed up the
semantics of type checks to be really really hard to use, but people
used them anyway. That would lead to a sharp learning curve. The
people who are against this proposal, or any other, know they will be
required to use it when it comes in, and have an interest in making
sure it is clean (whatever that means in each case). We shouldn't
dismiss their objections on the argument that they arent required to
use it. If its in the language, they are required to learn it.


Paul Biggar

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