On 09.07.2009, at 12:49, Dennis Haarbrink wrote:

I'm a framework developer and I have great interest in type hinting/ casting. I'm all for clarity and strictness, but it should definitely be a choice. PHP is known for its easy learning curve, that is one of its big powers and
that should remain unchanged. But the way I see it is that it can be
implemented without *requiring* you to use it, if you want to use type
hinting/casting go ahead, if you don't want it, well, leave that bit alone. If it comes with a minor performance hit, OK, i can live with that, I agree with Lukas in that aspect, you don't spend lots of time checking/ casting
As for hinting/casting would not be 'php-ish', i don't see it that way, i
look at php as a language of possibilities, not restrictions.

I think you misunderstood Zeev. He wasn't saying that this feature is not PHP-ish, he was specifically talking about "strict" type checking.

Lukas Kahwe Smith

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