On 25/11/10 11:47, Lester Caine wrote:
Nick Pope wrote:
I really couldn't make sense of this. Also - did you actually read my
last reply? The link I sent you linked to this:


I've never used it. I can't vouch for it. But if that isn't some form of
integration, I don't know what is.

Please check fact before posting 'solutions' ...
egit does not ACTUALLY fully work hence the main reason it is still an
incubation project. The main problem is that jgit on which it is based
does not current support sub-repo, and as soon as there is a sub-repo in
the target then nothing works!

Granted it doesn't *fully* work. You said "Neither GIT nor HG integration works with Eclipse..." and I disagreed. You just told me that it doesn't fully work. Thus it must do to some extent...

What you mean is that it currently doesn't work for you. "... and I'm not going to spend any more until it is available as a working plugin for Eclipse." That is fine - I'd just use the command line and be done with it to be honest. I never found even the SVN eclipse integration to be all that wonderful either. Each to their own.

"...working package management system..."

I presume this is multiple projects in a single repository? Yes, Git
doesn't have that. Again - it just sounds like a mess to me. I've never
had to have a "package management system" in a SCM repository myself
before, so I guess I cannot comment too strongly on this.

However, submodules do work quite nicely. I won't pretend that they are
a perfect solution in every case because the are tied by commit. Anyone
who doesn't want the cruft can ignore them. The PHP repository could
probably do with some level of segmentation anyway - it is one giant
monolithic beast at the moment.

sub-repo STILL needs work to allow a SINGLE download of a clone complex
repo. PHP is a number of packages which combine to provide a single
distribution, and packages can be added as required. It is not a single
monolithic beast. Either the whole modular setup is imported into a
single git repo, or each package has it's own repo. It is THEN that the
holes in sub-repo management become a problem!

I said that the SVN repository is just a single glob of everything: PHP, PECL stuff, etc...

( And installing msysgit broke ssh access to my customer sites from the
windows box. A couple of days working on fixing that produced no
solution, while simply un-installing it restored all of the broken
functionality. It was a few months ago, but I don't believe anything ha
changed so I will not be wasting time on it until someone says that
msysgit is now working with an existing putty/secure key setup ... What
I have has worked for years and git broke it! )

Uhh... I can tell you now that msysgit and putty are fine together... With public keys. Because my colleagues use it every day.

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