dukeofgaming wrote:
Such IDE integration exists for mercurial, both for Eclipse and
Netbeans, also at shell level.

This has already been covered ... git and hg integration is only partially functional. Git is a right pain in windows, while hg is at least functional identically in both linux and windows. BUT sub-repo is an area that is not currently supported in any of the integration tools and hg-git actually fails if there is a git sub-repo. Keeping each extension of php in it's own sub-repo is the obvious way of managing things, but is the very area that is not fully functional. Building a single 'download' of a group of packages is not something that can currently be handled, as the 'module' structure of CVS simply can't be mapped. A single CVS repo becomes 200+ separate repo's in hg or git, and you then need script files to manage things, which is fine for command line users, but a problem for the IDE approach.

I really don't get why you say there is no easy way to rollback changes,
because there is. I do manage package updates and installations through
SVN (e.g. updating symfony, doctrine), I just don't use SVN to work with
other people. I believe that managing packages and working with people
should not be regarded as the same thing when talking about versioning

Again you are missing the point here. CVS/SVN works nicely for managing a master code base. DVCS does not naturally support that, and this is a major area that needs to be managed by any project switching so that you CAN manage a master codebase. The problem I was trying to highlight was that with patches around a number of distributed copies, managing a 'rollback' can be difficult if several people have pushed around different paths, and currently the available tools do not allow the same flexibility that has been provided for CVS/SVN for several years.

I think the main and general drive of people for adopting a DVCS is just
that, better workflows, and fortunately, some of them have actually
worried about interoperability, meaning its possible to import files
from other (D)VCSs.

Again ... there is no 'natural' workflow so it becomes a lot more difficult to cooperate. I still think that a 'master' of the CVS/SVN type may be preferable rather than trying to manage that via a DVCS maze? All of the projects that have published their research have indicated that there is not a simple answer and that the goal posts are still moving on a weekly basis? hg has published improvements to the sub-repo problem only this week, but the integration packages still have to catch up.

Lester Caine - G8HFL
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