On 28 April 2011 08:52, dukeofgaming <dukeofgam...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm not a frequent poster in the list but I thought I'd really should give
> my 1 cent here when I saw "popular" being an argument for using DVCSs, its
> not, and its neither fashion nor cargo cult, it is just a plain eye opener
> experience of how neither SVN or CVS are the base of all versioning (two of
> its creators —Brian Fitzpatrick and Ben Collins-Sussman— have acknowledged
> this by saying "sorry about that" with regards to Subversion) and that
> better and more natural ways to collaborate and integrate code.
> I could provide an epically long argument here, but instead I'll link to
> the one I've already made, diagrams and graphics included =):
> http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/35074/im-a-subversion-geek-why-i-should-consider-or-not-consider-mercurial-or-git-or/35080#35080
> So, I don't want to make debate here of wether centralized is better than
> distributed (because the point is moot), but I think its not a good
> situation for the community to have a previously open door to DVCSs now
> closed.
> Perhaps a solution can be found to even open the door to Mercurial (that is
> an excellent place to start with DVCSs because its simplicity and
> straight-forwardness) in addition to git in such a way that doesn't stress
> the server?.

For us, there was huge reluctance in our community to move away from SVN and
we solved all our differenced with a GIT/SVN bridge. I personally wanted to
use GIT so I just checked out our SVN tree using GIT-SVN.  Meant I could use
all the features of GIT locally and when I needed to svn update/svn commit,
GIT does that part invisibly.  I am sure there are things like this for
Mercurial etc.

For windows: TortoiseGIT (has SVN support built in).
Debian/Ubuntu: apt-get install git-core git-svn

As much as purist for DVCS balk at the SVN bridges, I think they are an
important stepping stone for people who are used to SVN.  It allows one to
"try it out" on the project the know and love without forcing the project to
switch.  That's the better way.  For those who would prefer GIT or whatever
but their project prefers SVN, the bridge allows them to use it without
upsetting the project status quo.  They really work well too: locally you
can branch and merge and do all the gymnastics you cant achieve with SVN.

Overall, I think it's only recently that DVCS tools are becoming matured.  I
know even a year ago GIT's toolset was horrific, but there have been recent
leaps an bounds in the toolsets and services like github.com have made the
entire experience very easy and social.

My main point is, if you want to use DVCS, there is nothing stopping you
doing right now, without asking the PHP team to change the VCS (although I
would hope one day they do).



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