Lars Schultz wrote:
Am 10.05.2011 14:28, schrieb Martin Scotta:
The editor argument is out of place
do you really think that the engine should we built around what IDE

At least the much quoted user-base would welcome syntax-support for this
feature, wouldn't you agree? If support is already there, that's a big

And given the amount of time it is taking to get things like GIT and HG even vaguely functional in Eclipse and other IDE's who is expected to implement even the existing new features. Even the classname stuff still needs someone to support it in the IDE's :(

As an interesting aside, HG is based on python2 and now that python3 is out questions are being asked about supporting that, but the core development team do not have the time since the two will not be backwards compatible. So it's not just PHP that is having difficulties bringing the user base along with these new developments. I'm only just getting a handle on python2 so that I can integrate my hg repo's with the rest of my PHP based code management ....

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