On 17 Jul 2014, at 07:29, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:

> From debating whether it's worth it to add a new function for an
> not-so-commonly-used-operation-to-say-the-least, we're now seriously
> considering adding a new language level operator?  Really?

Is it *really* not that common? I can think of several use-cases off the top of 
my head:

* Time (actually pretty common in web apps, though we have a DateTime class)
* Splitting into rows and columns
* Pagination
* Currency (you can’t, for example, represent the full number of BTC in 
circulation in BTC's base unit without using an integer of beyond 53-bits, and 
it’s common practise to use *fixed-point* arithmetic here)
* Nearest-neighbour scaling
* Most likely other ones (these are just what I thought of immediately)

Also, while ** is great for some applications, it’s not going to be used much 
by others. Is the same not true of an integer division operator?

On 17 Jul 2014, at 07:31, Zeev Suraski <z...@zend.com> wrote:

> I can't believe we're seriously considering adding an operator for something
> so uncommon.
> I'm actually in favor of adding APIs, but absolutely not an obscure
> operator.  We're not Perl.

Nor are we Python, but it is worth looking at just how many other languages 
support this considering it’s actually very useful in some situations. I can 
think of C, C++, C#, Java, Objective-C, Visual Basic, Pascal, Python and Ruby 
to name a few popular ones. If you say that some of these implement it just 
because C does, I’m not sure that’s fair, as there are plenty of bad ideas in C 
which these don’t implement.

Andrea Faulds

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