
> Just because that most of the code YOU have seen uses CamelCase does not
> mean that CamelCase is the "standard". I programmed in other languages for
> over 20 years before I switched to PHP, and in those languages the standard
> was snake_case. That is the standard I still use, and I will object most
> strongly to the notion that I should change the habits of a lifetime
> just to
> suit the personal preferences of a junior programmer. By "junior" I mean
> "years of experience", not "job title".

Tony, the question here is not the style of your personal code base,
which is of course you have the full right to choose as you see fit. The
question is the style of the code in PHP core codebase, which is
maintained by dozens of people and used by millions. For such a code
base, consistent style helps both usability and maintainability, and
while a competent programmer would be able to read and produce code with
any style, having a consistent one would save the effort, which,
multiplied by the number of people using and maintaining the code, adds
up to a significant amount.

I'd say lowercase "http" namespace does look a bit weird to me and I'd
expect something like Http or HTTP as a namespace name, but that may be
open to debate since we don't have yet a tradition of namespace naming
in the core. Once we have such tradition, the extensions would be
expected to follow it, at least the core ones.

Stas Malyshev

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