On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 4:45 PM, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But for today, I firmly believe that the Dual-Mode proposal is the
> only one that stands a chance of passing. I think it's the best chance
> for the language, and it's the only one that tries to unite the
> different usages of PHP into a single group, rather than alienating
> users.


I see (as a userland developer) these problems with dual mode:
- It is a "setting" that changes the language's behavior; I don't
think that it matters whether or not it would be an INI setting or the
declare() one, because both of them are bad.
- It does not "unite different usages of PHP into a single group"; it
does exactly the opposite, splitting PHP usage into TWO groups.
- Once this dual mode would be introduced to PHP, there would probably
be no way of removing it later without massive BC break, once most
people would realize that it is really awful to have it in the

(There's probably more of them, but these are the biggest issues I
currently have.)

Pavel Kouril

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