On 11.01.2016, at 12:31, Anthony Ferrara <ircmax...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Actually, asking for proof and denying are the same thing. If they
> weren't, then why would you be asking for proof unless you believed it
> didn't happen?

They are not the same thing. If you make a claim, then the onus of proof is on 
you, and you cannot simply turn that reasonable request against them by then 
implying they're denying. Otherwise, why have proof for anything at all?

To me, this begs the question: would you handle incidents covered by the CoC in 
a similar way, with that same attitude? An accuser claims something, and asking 
for proof will be interpreted as denial?

By extension, will a third party asking for proof for an incident be subject to 
kafkatrapping - "the fact that you're doubting X happened means you're also 
guilty of X"? That one has happened to me before on twitter. Didn't stick 
because of the ridiculousness, but maybe the conjured mob was simply not large 
enough to spark sufficient outrage.

I'm pretty uncomfortable that you as the person "in charge" of this RFC hold 
such biased views. If you can't see that asking for proof and denial are 
different things then that IMO disqualifies you for that role.

The same applies to your claims of threats of violence. It's fine if you don't 
want to provide details, but then you can't bring those cases up. It's 
legitimate for others here to ask you for evidence if you do bring it up. I 
understand that we're all different personalities and you're maybe more wired 
in that direction (mentioning something in passing), but you need to understand 
that once a claim is out there, it's up to you to back it up. If you then 
refuse to, it raises doubts, and rightfully so.

Otherwise, we "just have to take your word for it", and that's exactly the 
thing many here are afraid of when it comes to this RFC - that in the future, 
anyone can pull accusations out of their hats, and the accusation is enough, 
because "why would you be making that accusation if it didn't happen" (please 
compare that sentence to the quoted section at the beginning of this message to 
understand why it is relevant.


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