>  I’m guessing not, since the code format for creating a branch is
different from creating a button, but I figured I might as well ask.

  Yes. The IupTree node only exists after the tree is mapped (created) in
the native system. IupFlatTree, because it is drawn by IUP, doesn't have
that limitation.


Em sáb., 4 de dez. de 2021 às 00:59, Kaz F <kaz.fox...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> I don’t oppose more help! :)
> Something like that, but that works better if you’re setting it up as a
> table to begin with rather than adding nodes.
> I was hoping there was a way to set it for this:
> modtree["addbranch-1"] = "MODULES"
> *From: *Andrew Robinson <arobinso...@cox.net>
> *Sent: *Friday, December 3, 2021 8:15 PM
> *To: *IUP discussion list. <iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Cc: *IUP discussion list. <iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Subject: *Re: [Iup-users] How do you get Flat controls to work in Lua?
> I'm probably going to get in trouble for butting into someone else's
> conversation, but do you mean something like this:
>     {
>       "Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue","Purple";
>       branchname = "COLOR"
>       leafname = "yellow", titlefont = "Courier, *Bold*, 14"
>     };
> On 2021-12-03 at 4:38 PM, Kaz F <kaz.fox...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What I meant was, is it possible to set the style during the same step as
> creation, like how one can create a button that has bold text with this
> code:
> iup.button{title = ”button”, fontstyle = "Bold"}
> I’m guessing not, since the code format for creating a branch is different
> from creating a button, but I figured I might as well ask.
> *From: *Antonio Scuri <antonio.sc...@gmail.com>
> *Sent: *Friday, December 3, 2021 7:57 AM
> *To: *IUP discussion list. <iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
> *Subject: *Re: [Iup-users] How do you get Flat controls to work in Lua?
>   What do you mean? I run your code and this is the result:
>   It is bold...
> Best,
> Scuri
> Em qui., 25 de nov. de 2021 às 02:51, Kaz F <kaz.fox...@gmail.com>
> escreveu:
> I was able to get the following code to work, but is there a way to set
> the “ICONS” branch to display in bold text when the branch is created?
> --CODE------------------------------------------------
> require("iuplua")
> local tree = iup.flattree{rastersize="400x500"}
> tree["addbranch-1"] = "ICONS" -- add root node
> tree:SetNodeAttributes(0,{titlefontstyle = "Bold"}) --make root node bold.
> local tlist = {
>     {
>       "Red","Orange","Yellow","Green","Blue","Purple";
>       branchname = "COLOR"
>     };
>     {
>       "Ranged","Melee","Summon","Heal";
>       branchname = "POWERS"
>     };
> }
> iup.TreeAddNodes(tree, tlist)
> local testdlg = iup.dialog{iup.vbox{tree;ncmargin = "25 x 25"}; title =
> "Test Window"}
> testdlg:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER)
> if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then
>     iup.MainLoop()
> end
> *From: *Ola Zetterqvist <o...@zetterqvist.nu>
> *Sent: *Saturday, November 20, 2021 9:58 AM
> *To: *iup-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> *Subject: *Re: [Iup-users] How do you get Flat controls to work in Lua?
> Thanks for the clarification, I needed that.
> Best,
> Ola Zetterqvist
> Den 2021-11-20 kl. 14:40, skrev Antonio Scuri:
>   One very important difference between IupTree andIpFlatTre is that the
> flat version does not include a default root node. That's why the solution
> proposed by Ola works.
>   Regarding the error in Lua this can be done:
> --tree.ADDBRANCH-1 = "NFL";     -- Error in lua
> tree["ADDBRANCH-1"] = "NFL";
> Best,
> Scuri
> Em sáb., 20 de nov. de 2021 às 08:33, Ola Zetterqvist <o...@zetterqvist.nu>
> escreveu:
> Hello,
> Have found a solution that works.
> Used flattree in C and it has worked,  where "ADDBRANCH-1" is used for the
> first node but lua does not understand the syntax, one must use
> iup.SetAttribute(tree, "ADDBRANCH-1", "Lua tree");
> require("iuplua")
> tree = iup.flattree{}
> local dlg = iup.dialog{tree; size = "200x150",title = "Test Window"}
> iup.SetAttribute(tree, "ADDBRANCH-1", "Lua tree");
> --tree.ADDBRANCH-1 = "NFL";     -- Error in lua
> tree.TITLE ="Test tree"         -- Change "Lua tree" title
> tree.ADDBRANCH0 = "AFC";
> tree.ADDBRANCH1 = "EAST";
> tree.ADDLEAF2 = "Patriots";
> tree.ADDLEAF3 = "Bills";
> tree.ADDLEAF4 = "Jets";
> tree.ADDLEAF5 = "Dolphins";
> tree.INSERTBRANCH2 = "North";
> tree.ADDLEAF7 = "Ravens";
> tree.ADDLEAF8 = "Steelers";
> tree.ADDLEAF9 = "Browns";
> tree.ADDLEAF10 = "Bengals";
> dlg:map()
> dlg:showxy(iup.CENTER, iup.CENTER)
> if (iup.MainLoopLevel()==0) then
>     iup.MainLoop()
> end
> Best,
> Ola Zetterqvist
> Den 2021-11-20 kl. 08:24, skrev Kaz F:
> Hello,
> I can’t figure out how to get iup.flattree to work and couldn’t find any
> examples in Lua.
> I can get iup.tree to work just fine, but changing it to iup.flattree
> leaves me with an empty square in my dialog.
> Is there an additional “require” that I’m missing?
> Thanks,
> Kaz
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