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Ok, I finaly got the Jserv working. To be onest I am not realy sure what was
the exact cause as I was trying to many things at the same time, but I think
it was the bindaddress that was suppose to be set to 127.0.0

Anyway, what I know try to configure is the following:
I want that every user is able to execute his servlets in his home dir
$HOME/public_html/servlets by http://host/~<user>/servlets without having to
define a mountpoint and zone for every user.
How can I do that best ?
- I also noticed that I Jserv doesn't understand a mount point
"/~anyone/servlets". It doesn't recognize the "~" I think, is that so ?
- How can I let a servlet be recognized at file level ? Just like you can
tell Apache to execute  every Perl Cgi script that has the .cgi extension ?

Ed Bras

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