Lucene just makes rdms system faster.

On Wed, 27 Dec 2017 at 17:08 Riccardo Tasso <>

> Hi,
>  I am not aware of any lucene integration with rdbms but I don't think it
> would be very usefull, what do you mean with "guideline for using Lucene
> with Database"?.
> Sometimes it makes sense a database integration with lucene (for example
> Neo4J and OrientDB use lucene as one of their indexing engine), but it
> depends on the specific vendor. Depending on your database, please check if
> it already has some kind of fuzzy search (for example recent version of
> Postgres has fuzzy search:
> If you decide to use lucene for your use case I don't think RAMDirectory
> would be the best choice, since it's intended for testing purposes only.
> The FSDirectory should be efficient enough for your (and many other) use
> cases. The second point seems ok to me, if entity types are not very
> dynamic you can obtain good performance creating an index for each one.
> 2017-12-21 12:48 GMT+01:00 Kumar, Santosh <>:
> >
> > Hi,
> > I’m currently working on project which has the following scenario:
> >
> >
> >   1.  I have entities in DB on which I would like to prevent duplicates
> by
> > same name or near match, for example, SalesOrder or SlsOrd or SalesOrd
> > etc…are all considered same. For this, I would like to use fuzzy search
> and
> > return only entities depending on a matching criterion (say, return
> > entities with match >=60%).
> >   2.  How do I approach this use case? Should I create one index
> > (IndexWriter with RAMDirectory?) for the entire application and keep
> > updating the index (in the background as a separate micro service) and
> > whenever, a new entity is created or updated or removed (I need real time
> > updates, can’t wait for bulk updates on index) update the index as well?
> >   3.  I can then use the index created above as lookup when a user tries
> > to create a new entity and generate error or warning message.
> >
> > If the 2nd point above is fine, then is there any general guideline or
> > example that I can follow for creating a global index for the
> application?
> > Also, is there any guideline for using Lucene with Database.
> >
> > Appreciate your help!!!
> >
> > Thank you and Regards,
> > Santosh
> >
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