To do this just shut the computer off. Now hold down the f8 key and turn computer back on. you will hear some beeps, that is good and when you can stop. Now hit the 2 key above letters for safe mode. If you got your wife there I think there is a mode for restoring there. If so chose that one and do your restore from there.

At 09:03 PM 2/4/2012, you wrote:
Okay, how does one go in to "safe mode"?

----- Original Message ----- From: "Flor Lynch" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 4:27 PM
Subject: Re: [JAWS-Users] Major issue! Computer freeze.

With your wife's help, go into Safe Mode, and use system restore to restore your computer to a point in time when it was working correctly.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Rich Hamel" <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2012 9:09 PM
Subject: [JAWS-Users] Major issue! Computer freeze.

Hi all and a big help request.
My main computer seems to have frozen.
When I physically turn it on, I hear the Microsoft tune.
JAWS never starts talking.
My sighted wife says the hour glass on the desk top is not full.
I've waited for over an hour.
I've restarted and rebooted a couple of time and nothing happens.
The keys and even the mouse do not work.

I do have an up to date McAfee.

Any thoughts on what it is and what to do?

Thanks so much.


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