Obviously I know how to bring people out of the woodwork so to speak.

I just wanted to make sure that there was still an interest moving forward. I kind of thought there was but it does not hurt to confirm such things. Folks as much to my team and the fact that things have been so smooth on here for quite some time is why we are cruzing along starting our twelfth year next week. I don't believe it even as I type these words.

The vast majority of you actually have no idea how much has gone on in the background with all of us over time.

It is just that we work so well together things plow on. All of us have had medical issues and a couple of us have had shoulder surgery, rotator cuff to be exact. Last year my wife had a new heart valve installed and I was off the list for almost 8 weeks taking care of her. The guys did a great job because I would have been no help at all during that time. There were days that the only thing I did with this system was shut it off and nothing else at all. I'm not telling you this to garner sympathy or anything like that, rather to let you folks know that I work with the best couple of guys available. FYI don't tell Bob I said that, his ego is already the size of the grand canyon.

Just kidding Bob, he is really a humble guy or so I'm told.

So far as being blocked out what is really happening is that some services are blocking messages from this domain from being delivered to their customers and eventually Mailman removes them for bouncing messages. They are able to post messages, it is just they can't receive which is a major annoyance to say the least.

I'm convinced that interest still rains supreme, thank you all for confirming that fact.

David Ferrin
You don't have to be crazy to run a list like this, but it does help.

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