On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, marc fleury wrote:

> I seriously doubt you are a developer of anything kid...

See, this is why I didn't respond to your ultimatum email a week ago.  I had a
suspicion that you would only answer with a pure flame.  I guess I was proven

At this point a person, only interested in the flame rebuttable, would come
back and list, point by point, what they had done or worked on in the past.  I
won't do that.  There is no need to bore anyone here with the details.  After
all, my history in open source is documented.  Just go looking on your
favorite search engine, to find what I have done.

> good bye

I had really been trying to keep an open, functioning dialog between me and
certain parties on this list.  I can see that doing so is an effort in
futility.  I guess my only recourse is to not even attempt to maintain an open
dialog, as I am shunted at every turn.

> marcf

Are there others out there in the jboss world, that have a bit of common sense
or decency?  I certainly haven't seen any coming from little old marc here.

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