On 20.04.2015, at 23:41, Gus Reiber <grei...@cloudbees.com> wrote:

> As it stands today, most folks first interaction with Jenkins is a fairly dry 
> list of radio buttons, asking him/her to select which type of item to create. 
> Not only is the radio list fairly dry in appearance, as users add plugins it 
> does little help the user scan the page to find the particular item type 
> he/she is looking for

I don't see how this is an improvement in any way for that "first interaction". 
There should be descriptions what each item is. Imagine the first interaction 
with Jenkins replaced by a single tile ("Jobs and Workflows") with 1-4 entries 
(depending on which bundled plugins are enabled) with no further explanation 
what each item is. Seems to be a huge step backwards.

Also, what's the default for any plugin not supporting this? An 
'Unknown'/'Unclassified' section? Or default to 'Jobs and workflows'?

How does this view look with 15-20 entries in the 'jobs' category and 1-2 in 
others? You're presenting the 'best case' distribution of items, but that's not 
what it will really look like.

> Because of this importance, and iterative sub-process nature, I am pulling 
> the list of step operations out of its current pull-down list and giving each 
> a bit of visual meat. Beyond being decorative, this is meant to help the user 
> scan quickly for the process step he/she wants and in a sense, wake the user 
> up with a little reminder that this is likely to be where the important 
> choices need to be made.

Could you explain how you'd get there from here? Because today there are no 
icons, and hundreds of plugins would need to be updated to add these to the 
builders and publishers they contribute (not to mention any trademark messes 
related to those icons). How does that design look like with all non-bundled 
builders having no icon, or the same generic icon?

> "Notifications" would be another boring control set, so I am not going to 
> bother showing it, but hopefully you get the idea.

Actually, I'd be interested in how you determine into which set each Publisher 
goes. Are 'Post-build actions' those that don't inherit from Notifier? I have 
some concerns about how Jenkins determines execution order, as this grouping 
would worsen today's problem that the UI does not properly show the order in 
which post-build steps are actually executed.

> This wireframe adds the concept of collapsible region categories, and in this 
> "Overview" step, weeds out some of the non universal input settings that are 
> currently in the first segment of the item creation/editing

Assuming this will be implemented for all config forms to keep things 
consistent, could you show the Edit View form in this new design as well? My 
first hunch is that it'll look really empty.

What's also completely missing in these designs is the help button next to each 
item. Are there plans to change these as well, or did you just leave them out?

I wonder about the title 'Create Freestyle Build'. For one thing, the 
terminology is wrong (it's a job or project, not a build), and the only form 
that today appears before the corresponding item has been created is the 
initial slave creation form.

Why are you collapsing the first section at all? Shouldn't name and description 
excluded from the collapsing sections? Will the form hide the information what 
users are editing by default, relying on e.g. bread crumbs?

IIRC Tom's first attempt (last year or so?) at collapsible sections suffered 
from navigation issues (as in the viewport moving around) due to all the 
scrolling going on when collapsing/expanding sections. How are you planning to 
deal with that?

How are you going to address the problem that users will no longer be able to 
see at a glance the handful of options/build steps they have in simple 
projects? 'Expand all'/'Collapse all' buttons? Indicator how many steps/enabled 
options are in each section on the title line?

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