On Fri, 20 Dec 2013, Holger Mappt wrote:

 ant -Dplugin=gpxfilter singleplugintrans

Ah, thanks. I fixed build.xml to make it work. A plugin is translated with the commands:

./launchpad.pl bzronly
ant -Dplugin=gpxfilter singleplugintrans

Hmm, my call worked on my machine also. Maybe differences in ant version.

The original i18n tasks did not add the plugin description (property plugin.description in plugin build.xml) to the plugin POT/*.lang files. I changed that, the plugin description is now part of the plugin template josm.pot. That translation is used once the plugin is installed. Please revert revision 30143 if that change is not right.

Looks good. I agree that having the description in the template is probably not a bad idea. But as Simon said, be careful with that file :-)

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