Something like this, rather than having to do all the class.getMethod stuff

String name = PropertyUtils.getProperty(featureSchema, "name");


Martin Davis wrote:
> Not sure what you mean - you mean retrieve an attribute from a Feature 
> by name?  If so, yup.  Otherwise, it has whatever java reflection provides.
> Paul Austin wrote:
>> Martin,
>> Does JUMP currently have any introspection code to get a property from
>> an object by a name, something like commons-beanutils. If it does I can
>> use introspection to see if the FeatureSchema has a "name" property if
>> it does use that rather than requiring it on the FeatureSchema class.
>> BTW I think that FeatureSchema should be an interface not a class.
>> Paul
>> Martin Davis wrote:
>>> Good questions, Michael, especially the one about having different 
>>> schemas with the same name.  I suspect Paul's code would work fine in 
>>> this case, but it is an important philosophical point which should be 
>>> thought out fully before going far down this road. 
>>> Michaël Michaud wrote:
>>>> Hi Paul and Larry,
>>>> Just few questions I wonder about naming schemas :
>>>> - What really needs to be named, FeatureSchema or FeatureCollection ?
>>>> - Will it be possible to have two different names for identical schemas 
>>>> (it should) ?
>>>> - Will it be possible to have two different schemas with identical name 
>>>> (it should not, but may be the responsability can be let to the user to 
>>>> keep it simple) ?
>>>> These are just questions to wonder before changing, but at the moment, I 
>>>> can't see any drawback with a free attribute name on FeatureSchema as 
>>>> proposed by Paul.
>>>> Michaël
>>>> Larry Becker a écrit :
>>>>> Hi Paul,
>>>>>   Just a few questions regarding the FeatureSchema Name, since I'm
>>>>> unable to come up with the use case myself.  I can see that it is
>>>>> simpler to look at the Name than to compare all of the attributeNames
>>>>> individually, but I would hate to make that assumption and then find
>>>>> that the user has deleted an attribute I was depending on.  Also,
>>>>> would the FeatureSchema Name be persisted in the Task (.jmp) file, and
>>>>> if so how does that affect compatibility?
>>>>> thanks,
>>>>> Larry Becker
>>>>> On 6/9/07, Stefan Steiniger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>>>> hei Paul,
>>>>>> mhm.. if you write the function (that also supports empty names)
>>>>>> this should be possible to include if Michael and Larry agree
>>>>>> stefan
>>>>>> btw. although you are following specific interests, and changes to the
>>>>>> core need to be discussed it is open to you to join the jpp-team
>>>>>> Paul Austin schrieb:
>>>>>>> Martin,
>>>>>>> If the FeatureSchema class could be extended to have a name property,
>>>>>>> with a getName (and maybe a setName) with a default constructor and a
>>>>>>> constructor that takes the name as an argument then that would be great.
>>>>>>> As we have default constructor existing code won't break as the name is
>>>>>>> optional.
>>>>>>> The advantage of having the name is that if you were doing some
>>>>>>> processing of features and don't have reference to the layer you can
>>>>>>> find out what type of feature it is and do different processing 
>>>>>>> accordingly.
>>>>>>> Paul
>>>>>>> Martin Davis wrote:
>>>>>>>> BTW, the idea of having hum-readable names for FeatureSchemas is a nice
>>>>>>>> one.  I'd definitely support adding that functionality, even if it 
>>>>>>>> isn't
>>>>>>>> exposed right now.
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