I would disagree on the point about not allowing two layers with the
same name in a Project. Consider the case where you load in two
Multi-Layer files for different mapsheets, each one of them may have a
road layer. I would make the restriction that within a category you
can't have two layers with the same name.

In my case I make the file into a category and have the layers for that
file below it.

  - Road
  - River
  - Road
  - River


Sunburned Surveyor wrote:
> I must weigh in with Paul on this one guys. I see a lot of potential
> uses for uniquely identifying FeatureSchemas. I guess that I would
> call this a FeatureType. If you are curious about the applications of
> defining and uniquely identifying FeatureTypes just take a look at the
> ESRI Geodatabase. (For example, FeatureTypes would allow you to
> specify a range of allowed values for an attribute.) I believe in ESRI
> FeatureTypes are called FeatureClasses.
> I also don't think that it is unreasonable to specify that an OpenJUMP
> project contain no duplicate FeatureTypes. However, I do see that we
> allow Layers to have the same name, which I think is a bad thing... I
> guess that I never noticed this before.
> Martin wrote: "This all seems like a lot of extra complexity to
> support something that at the moment is really only your own use case.
>  Perhaps you should
> publish this as a plugin for now, and if it gets used a lot then the
> JUMP project can think about incorporating it in the core."
> I would agree with Martin on this point. I don't think it would be to
> difficult to encapsulate a system for uniquely identifying
> FeatureSchema's in a plug-in. You'd could automatically add the Layer
> name (as the unique ID for the FeatureSchema) and a reference to the
> FeatureSchema for a FeatureCollection to a HashMap in the plug-in. If
> the user tried to create a Layer with a duplicate name you could
> create an error message.
> Or you could prompt the user to enter a name for a FeatureSchema when
> creating a layer, although this might be more confusing for them.
> I think the best solution would be to allow users to assign a unique
> FeatureType or FeatureSchema to the Layers that they select (after the
> Layers had been created, of course). That way we aren't forcing this
> on users that have no need for it.
> You could capture the relationship between the FeatureSchema, Layer,
> and unique FeatureSchema indentification at the time that the user
> made the association. If you want it to be really easy you could
> automatically fill the unique id text box with the name of the Layer
> that the user selected for the association. That would solve your
> reflection problem. You would never need to ask a FeatureSchema if it
> had a unique name. You could just see if there was a unique id
> associated with the  instance of FeatureSchema by asking the plug-in.
> If Paul think's he would be interested in doing something with
> FeatureTypes or uniquely identified FeatureSchemas via a plug-in I'd
> be interested in the design, as I think this really is something that
> I will want to tap into in the future.
> The Sunburned Surveyor
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