Am Samstag, 27. Oktober 2012, 11:00:42 schrieb Martin Klapetek:
> Hi,
> I'd like to move libkfacebook, the foundation for akonadi-facebook
> resource, into extragear. It's been in use for a while, lots of distro ship
> it bundled with akonadi-facebook resource, which is now becaming part of
> kdepim-runtime for 4.10 with libkfacebook as optional compile-time
> dependency.
> I'd like to ask for a review of this library, currently in kdereview -
I see not code to load the translation catalog libkfacebook (old name) or 
libkfbapi (new name).

Afaik you should use KCatalogLoader to load your translation catalog

Burkhard Lück

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