ngraham added a comment.

  > Finally, a screenshot:
  > F5690096: KUrlNavigator.png <>
  The `KUrlNavigatorPlacesSelector` menu is about to get a welcome change in that addresses this concern.
  > BTW, I'm genuinely interested in improving this topic for our users.
  > It would be great if everyone could ask their friends and family if they 
are using Search For in the Open dialog, and how many results are displayed for 
them to sift through (as there is no secondary search filter in that case). 
Also I'd be interested if they expect Search For in the Save dialog. Also: 
Usage of Dolphin vs. usage of Open to open files.
  I conducted the requested survey over the weekend while at a huge Super Bowl 
party. Plenty of "regular" users! Some of them use macOS instead of KDE Plasma 
(I'm working on 'em!), but thankfully the file managers and Open dialogs have 
identical features, so I think it's still valid data:
  Survey data
  Person 1 - moderate computer skills, college professor (humanities)
  - Occasionally uses Search For from the Open dialog; never uses it in the 
file manager. Hundreds of results.
  - 50/50 split between using file manager and Open dialog to open files
  - Heavy user of Places panel bookmarks in both file manager and Open dialog; 
has more than 20 and knows how to create, manipulate, and remove them
  Person 2 - low computer skills, writer
  - Never uses Search For from the Open dialog or file manager. Thousands of 
  - Exclusively uses apps' Open dialog to open files
  - Uses Desktop and Downloads Places panel bookmarks from Open dialog
  Person 3 - moderate computer skills, artist
  - Never uses Search For from the Open dialog or file manager. Thousands of 
  - 75/25 split between using file manager and Open dialog to open files
  - Uses Desktop, Documents, Pictures, and Downloads Places panel bookmarks in 
both file manager and Open dialog
  Person 4 - low computer skills, public relations
  - Never uses Search For from the Open dialog or file manager. Hundreds of 
  - Exclusively uses apps' Open dialog to open files
  - Uses Desktop, Downloads and Pictures Places panel bookmarks from  Open 
  Person 5 - moderate computer skills, construction worker
  - Never uses Search For from the Open dialog or file manager. Thousands of 
  - 75/25 split between using file manager and Open dialog to open files
  - Uses Places panel bookmarks (Desktop, Documents, Pictures, etc.)
  Person 6 - good computer skills, artist
  - Occasionally uses Search For from the Open dialog and the file manager. 
Thousands of results.
  - 50/50 split between using file manager and Open dialog to open files
  - Heavy user of Places panel bookmarks; has more than 10 and knows how to 
create, manipulate, and remove them
  Person 7 - very low computer skills, minister
  - Never uses Search For from the Open dialog or file manager. 2-3 dozen 
  - Exclusively uses apps' Open dialog to open files
  - Never uses Places panel bookmarks; saves everything in Documents folder, 
and Open dialogs all open right there
  Survey conclusions
  - Everybody uses the Desktop for short or long-term file management; access 
to the Desktop from the Places Panel is extremely important
  - For many, the Open dialog is the primary file access tool
  - Almost everybody uses Places panel bookmarks from the Open dialog
  - Many/most use Places panel bookmarks from the file manager--some very 
  - Almost nobody uses Search For from the file manager
  It's worth mentioning what macOS does here that differs from our current 
  - The macOS Places panel equivalent ships by default with bookmarks to 
~/Desktop, ~/Documents and ~/Downloads (but not Music, Pictures, or Movies)
  - The macOS screenshot tool deposits images on the desktop, not in the 
~/Pictures folder
  - The macOS Search For section can search for music, pictures, and movies, 
but not documents
  - The macOS Search For section is only present in Open dialog (at the very 
bottom of their Places panel equivalent), but not present in the Save panel or 
Finder file manager. The macOS Search For section also has //all// entries no 
matter what app you invoke it from; e.g. from a text editor, you're still able 
to Search For music and pictures.

  R241 KIO


To: ngraham, #frameworks, #dolphin
Cc: alexeymin, markg, spoorun, rkflx, michaelh, ngraham

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