Did you turn DRC off?

That's the purpose of DRC, to NOT LET YOU do things that are not in the netlist 
(among other things).

If you don't want to make a schematic, make a netlist.


> To: kicad-users@yahoogroups.com
> From: mad...@free.fr
> Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 23:40:39 +0000
> Subject: [kicad-users] Re: Type Err(4) trace near pad issue in Kicad
> Well, I made a simple schematic with EEschema, passed the electrical check 
> without trouble, made the netlist, did the CVpcb thing, and routed in PCBnew. 
> All is fine, so my Kicad build seems to be working.
> I tried to add another module in the pcb. Fine.
> I tried to connect the new module with a trace... Type Err(4)!
> It doesn't agree to connect the trace to the new component. 
> I still don't understand why I cannot route manually without a schematic or a 
> netlist when the faq says I could?
> Axel

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