The problem is that you are thinking too simple...

KIcad like most design software is designed to work via netlists and so

As has been suggested you could simply turn off the design rules checking
that will prevent errors and so on.

By far the best method is to create a simple sch. in eeschema and then
use that to generate the required netlist. 

It's well worth getting used to creating the circuit then the PCB and so

The error is just giving you a warning that a track is too close to a pad.

Tracks and pads have a clearance setting. The normal problkem is that you
cut across the pad at an angle with a track, and you just clip the edge
of the clearance limit. Centre on where the error is and zoom right in,
and you will prob see the problem.

Use a slightly thinner track, or re-route it to miss the clearance area.

Like most packages Kicad takes a bit of getting used to, I used a lot
worse! (and not just PCB packages)


On Fri, 20 Aug 2010 08:39:38 -0000
"" <> wrote:

> Hello group!
> This is my first post, so I apologize but I'm afraid I need some help!
> I installed Kicad (2010-05-05 BZR 2356) on Ubuntu Lucid64. Fine. As far as 
> drawing schematics, everything is ok. Now if I try to draw a PCB without 
> schematic, without netlist, without autorouter... Just a simple one sided 
> circuit board. I create a new project, open PCB new, place say a DIP-8_300 
> component, click on 'add traces and vias', start tracing... and get:
> Type Err(4) trace near pad
> What the hell am I doing wrong?
> I can draw a trace without problem as long as I don't get near to the 
> component (which is not very useful!). It's not component related (same 
> behavior with resistances, caps, and so on)
> Component and traces are both on the 'under' side. I tried different traces 
> sizes, I searched in the manual, in the different tutos, in the web... Nada! 
> I searched here but the search server is 'busy' please try again later! Plus 
> I don't know what to enter in the search engine, 'manual routing' return 
> results such as auto-routing in the kicad manual, and the likes!
> I'm quite convinced that this must be something really simple, but I can't 
> find it!
> Thanks for your help
> Axel
> ------------------------------------
> Please read the Kicad FAQ in the group files section before posting your 
> question.
> Please post your bug reports here. They will be picked up by the creator of 
> Kicad.
> Please visit for details of how to contribute your 
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> For building Kicad from source and other development questions visit the 
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