Geez Mark, Lighten up.   When you said,? I find it interesting that
you're building your own composite airplane, with composite spars
which you apparently designed, and you're worried about the
spinner...? I was a bit surprised at your ire. I was just being
dramatic, tongue in cheek, when I said, ?do not trust myself
fabricating a part that is  required to spin thousands of times a
minute.?  Much that same as you when you said,? I'm also reluctant to
give myself the opportunity to kill any teenagers other than my own.?
 I?m sure I could fab my own spinner, just wondering if there is a
commercially available one that would be almost as good (No WAY it
could be as cool as your spinner  ;->).

I?ve flown behind a prop I fabricated myself (using a CNC router at a
friend?s company making production solid body guitars). It worked
great and is still flying as far as I know.  I do not recommend it,
and I would not do it again.

Hey, let?s get together at Oshkosh and chew the fat?  I?d love to hear
about this econo-plane you are designing.

Take care, Scott

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