Gotta love mail lists.  They bring out the Good, the Bad and the Ugly.   
In many ways they actually magnify these traits.  OK, enough of this 
dribble and on to something constructive.  Looking back over the 
Gatherings I have attended, one thing really stands out.  It is all 
about preparation.  A well planned and prepared Gathering is a neat 
thing to experience.  At this years Gathering there will be two 
Gathering Hosts that have truly excelled at putting together GREAT 
GATHERINGS -  Larry Flesner and Dan Overall.  Wouldn't it be (neat, 
constructive, great, awesome, creative, dumb - select one) to have them 
put on a Seminar/ Work Shop about Organizing a World Class Gathering.  
OK guys, you both have demonstrated that you "have what it takes" and 
know how to "Get 'er Done" so please pass on some of your knowledge.  
Otherwise you re doomed to becoming the permanent gathering hosts.  Come 
to think of it that isn't a bad thing either :-)

Just some ramblings from an aluminum airplane builder but one that has 
played with his share of epoxy; and, the first one to shape an AS504x 

Steve Eberhart
It's 5 o'Clock Somewhere
See you all at the KR²V party under Dana's palm tree

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