Did I miss something. This seems like a lot of commotion about a tail wheel 
when Aviation Products Inc. 114 Bryant St. Ojai, CA 93023  Ph 805-646-6042 
makes a wonderful 4 or 6 in single or double fork full steerable, castering 
tail wheel assembly. They have medium hard solid rubber tires that sound and 
feel like a tube tire when taxiing or on the runway and have an amazing 
lifespan. They work better than any certified Mall tail wheel and as well as 
the Scott on my Stinson's and our Cessna's. You just can't go wrong.  $235 and 
$255 complete without the springs and chains. Works of the rudder horn and with 
the 6 in tire on N68KR she looks like a single arm Mall tail wheel with a bush 
wheel tire. la...@lebanair.com  Tell them we had you call. 

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net] On Behalf Of 
Myron (Dan) Freeman
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2009 1:17 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: KR> Tail wheel/rudder interconnection

Hi guys and girls;

Before the unfortunate accident with Ol' Blue I made the comment that every
time I thought that I had everything fixed I always seemed to find something
else to fix or change on the plane.

One of the things that I hadn't got around to was the tail wheel/rudder
interconnection. I knew It wasn't right but I wasn't sure how to fix it.

I did a search on the KR net and found 500 or more references to tail wheel,
most of which didn't concern my question but with so many, I could have
missed it.

Anyway, before I purchased Ol' Blue I did a walk around and discovered that
the rudder seemed to be disconnected from the tail wheel and the rudder
peddles as well. I also noticed that when sitting in the pilot seat and
working the rudder peddles that the rudder did not move but the tail wheel
did, which helped explain why the previous owner used the brakes to keep the
plane straight during takeoff and landing, something that my instructor told
me never to do, your instructor may differ. 

So I knew something was not right and that I would have to do something
about it after the purchase. 

Well it was a simple fix, the tail wheel springs were drawn too tight and
the rudder cables were limp so I added extensions and that took care of that
 The rudder and tail wheel worked together in unison.

I encountered problems during takeoff and landing with the plane wanting to
drift left even with no crosswind and after checking the wheel alignment I
discovered that the wheels were misaligned to the left by several inches
(measured at a 10 foot distance) and were toed-in, this I am told is not
good, if anything they should be toed-out slightly.

Anyway, after correcting the wheel alignment the plane taxied straight and
true but after several harrowing takeoffs and landings in mild crosswind
conditions I knew that something else was wrong with it.

I have had a lot of time to think through the problem since the accident and
I noted that I had the same problem with the real plane as I did with my
X-Plane model. The conclusion was that when taking off or landing, until the
tail wheel leaves the ground, it is steering the plane down the runway for
the most part and if you have a crosswind you need to use rudder to
counteract the crosswind, but when you do, the tail wheel also turns and
steers you sideways which can result in a dangerous condition. So what to do
about it?

X-Plane continues to evolve and new features are added all the time and
recently a fully controllable tail wheel has been added, that is you can set
it up to behave anyway you want it to from full castering to locked straight
for takeoff or anything in between. So I said let the experimenting begin
and see what works best especially in a crosswind. Using X-plane is much
safer and quicker than using a test plane like Ol' Blue.

Now I already know how a tail dragger reacts when the tail wheel and rudder
are linked together with no slack, I considered it dangerous in a crosswind
on pavement, grass is more forgiving.

I've tried a full castoring tail wheel in X-Plane and for me I thought it
was dangerous also.

A tail wheel that is fixed straight ahead is too hard to maneuver on
taxiways so that just leaves a castoring/lockable tail wheel or a
steerable/lockable tail wheel I believe, unless I've forgotten something.

So I decided to use X-Plane to see which method worked the best and safest.

With X-Plane I can set the tail wheel to lock straight ahead by pulling any
up elevator input during takeoff or landing. In the real plane you would
have to lock it manually with a pull cable. But having flown my KR-2 model
in X-plane for several hundred hours now, I find it much easier to land and
takeoff in crosswinds with a locked tail wheel when on pavement, grass as I
said is more forgiving even in X-Plane.

I don't know if there is anyone who is using a castering/locking tail wheel
on a KR but if there is I would like very much to hear their real world
input on this subject as well as those who use the plans style rudder/tail
wheel interconnection method. Your crosswind takeoff/landing technique would
be very informative to the rest of us.

Here is a link to some who have had experience with it. 


I could only find two brands of locking tail wheels, the Raven and the Haigh
but I'm sure some enterprising individual could design and build one more
appropriate for a KR and a whole lot cheaper and share the design with the
KR group if it was worth while.

Also, I have two X-Plane, version 9.31, KR-2 models available with this new
feature for anyone who wants to try them, or I can just send them to the
several dozen individuals who are already using the older models.

Oh, and the doctor said I can drive again and start walking on my left foot,
praise the Lord.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everybody. 


Myron (Dan) Freeman 

Indpls, Ind. 46203-3570 

Home of the Indy 500, 

the World's most famous 

auto race. 



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