
From: Michael Taglieri 

I am not sure anyone on this list is concerned about the wing attach fittings 
and bolts, we know better. I think what some are aggrevated about is the 
mis-information or mis-representation about the wings in general. The writer 
should have done more research on that subject before he just threw that out 
there. A lot of builders spend a lot of money building KR2s then when 
mis-information is put out there from a writer/test pilot, many will assume he 
knows what he is talking about. This mis-information may then turn some away 
from buying a used KR or it may cause them to just build a different airplane 
because they are afraid their wings will fall off if they were to build a KR. 
All of this makes the KR line less valuable. I think this is the issue, or at 
least it is with me, any KR owner and anyone like Steve Glover who probably has 
a big investment into the KRs now. 
This is my impression on the article, or at least would be my thinking if I 
to be looking at building a KR and I did not know the history or anything about 
them other than I liked the look and the option of non kit ability to build. 
Remember the V-tail Bonanza? Many are still afraid of those. I own a 1947 
Bonanza, it is a V-tail. There has never been a tail failure on one of these 
because it has a smaller tail than the 3 or 4 year newer Bonanzas that have a 
larger V-tail. The newer Bonanzas have lost tails because of pilot error. A 
repair on the leading edge root/fuselage intersection was required to fix this 
problem. But since it is in the head of some people that the tails fall off of 
Bonanzas they will never have one. The same could apply to any aircraft once 
someone throws the scare out in an article such as this one.

Just my calm thoughtful opinion
Larry Howell       I think people may be getting too concerned about that line 
about the 

wing-attack bolts.  On the whole, the article was VERY favorable, 
Mike Taglieri  miket_...@verizon.net

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