At 11:37 AM 9/30/2010, you wrote:
>I had no idea that the bolts specified for the wing attachments were

There is no need to be concerned about the wing attach fittings when 
built as called for in the plans.  I have inspected the wreckage of 
three KR's and in all three cases the wing attach fittings were still 
attached to each other and to the spars with little or no signs of 
damage in that area. In two of the three cases, the entire wing 
structure was destroyed leaving only fragments of the spars and yet 
the attach fittings and the spar at the attach area was still 
intact.  In the third accident the wing tip contacted the ground and 
forced the wing back to the fuselage but the attach fittings 
held.  All three of these accidents probably put forces on the wing 
in primarily a horizontal direction so a purely vertical load may 
cause a different failure mode but I'm still guessing that the attach 
fittings and spar bolts will be the last part of the wing to fail.  I 
heard first hand from one KR pilot that claims to have pulled 6 G's 
pulling out of a failed maneuver in his 765 pound (empty) KR.  He 
weighed right at 200 pounds and had to have had some fuel on board so 
I'd say the attach fittings are sufficient.

As always, your results may vary............

Larry Flesner

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